superbrowser blackhat method multiple seller accounts WIN THE GAME > 자유게시판 | 의정부본플란트치과
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superbrowser blackhat method multiple seller accounts WIN THE GAME

페이지 정보

작성자 Patrick Dewitt
댓글 0건 조회 25회 작성일 25-01-16 11:38


Hey guys! Welcome to the second episode

of Ask Jungle Scout. Hope you enjoyed the

first episode! If you haven't checked it

out make sure you do that. If you want

your question to be answered on the


make sure you put it in the comments

below this video for a chance for it to

be picked out for another episode.


Question one is from Vadimas. How

about customs duty if sending goods from

China to the US? When and how should you


duties tax? Thanks for the question Vadimas.

So what I've seen, is that sellers will tell

their supplier, that we need freight

forwarder that will handle customer

duties. So basically they will pick - and a

lot of them like Fedex and DHL etc - they

generally all handle customers duties. So

if your supplier is handling your

shipping for you

they will basically tell you when there's duties

tax to be owed or they might ask for you to

pay a certain amount up front. They might

say "okay, based on your shipment value, it

could be about two hundred dollars, so

please pay that in advance so that your

shipment isn't held up and then

whatever the balances we will pay you


So if you've got a good relationship

with your suppliers that option should

be fine.

You might be asked to pay a certain

amount upfront, that then your supplier

will let you know how much it actually

was, and then they'll reimburse you with the

rest or they'll credit you for the next time

there's customs duties to be paid. The

other route to ago is if you organize the

freight forwarder yourself.

There are a out there - Shapiro I know

is quite a popular one. I don't know from

personal experience but I believe it's a

very straightforward process, they look

after that all for you, so if you choose

a US freight forwarder and so basically what they

do is they pick up your shipment from

China and they're responsible for it all

the way over to the US and they'll walk

you through the whole process of paying

customs duties. Whichever option you

choose the most important thing is that

you make your supplier or your forwarder

aware that you need someone

or you need the customs duties to be

paid. You just need to ask the question

and let them know it it needs to be paid

and they'll tell you whether that

particular freight forwarder is able

to handle that for you.

Other sellers I've spoken to, have said

that basically they will get a call from

let's say Fed Ex or DHL saying that

they're holding their stock and they

won't release it until the customs

duties are paid and then they've just been able to

pay it over the phone or online and as soon

as they do that, then the items are then released.

Question 2 is from Greg. How do you bundle

products using overseas suppliers? Ok

firstly why would you want to bundle

your items? One of the big reasons people

bundle different items together is to

make their offering unique to what

everyone else is selling and also to

make it harder for other people to come

in and copy their product. So while it

might seem a bit more difficult it's

actually not too different to just

getting one item. Essentially you can ask

the one supplier if they stock the other

item that you're after and get them

bundled together or in some cases you

might need to find two different

suppliers. In that case you would then

pick the supplier that you want to be

the main sort of supplier that will ship

your product through the US. I would ask

that supplier "are you happy OR are you

willing to accept this product and put

it in a package with your product?" and

quite often I'll be happy to do that and

so then with the second supplier all you

do is you just place an order with them

as per usual but you get them to ship it

through to the other factory. The good thing

about this is that shipping from one

factory in China to another factory is

usually fairly cheap so the shipping

there will be quite minimal, and then as

I said you get factory A to package the

two products together and then send them

off together as one unit to the US.

Question 3 is from Assad. Is it a must to

get a trademark now for our product?

Basically the answer is no. The purpose

of a trademark is to further protect

your brand or your products from other

people copying them. When you're just

starting out your business, you haven't

launched any products,

there really isn't any reason for anyone

to want to take your name or to really

infringe upon that, and to get a trademark

is quite an expensive thing to do.

So generally speaking a lot of sellers

will start up their business without a

trademark and then that's something that

they'll look at once their business has

been well established. The point at which

you want to look at getting a trademark

is really up to you and is dependent on

how far along you are in your

business and when you would like to make

that leap. If you've got the ability to

get a trademark for your brand

it certainly is a good idea and does

give you a certain level of protection

however it's not necessary at all to

have for your business. Question 4 is

from Jordan. Any general tips for Aussie

sellers starting up? This is a

great question that doesn't just apply

to Australia but also sellers from all

over the world that are outside of the

US. As a seller in Australia the biggest

challenge that I came across was

keeping my money in US dollars because

Amazon pays you in US dollars and then

generally your suppliers in China will

accept US dollars only, and Amazon only

pays you out in the currency of your

own country.

So if I was getting paid from Amazon

they would send it in Australian dollars

or it will be converted to Australian

dollars. You can open up things like

foreign-currency accounts so I could

have a business account here in

Australia that is in US. dollars

however Amazon would still send in

Australian dollars because that's the

country it's going to. Now the problem

with that is if they send it in

Australian dollars, if they send me a

thousand dollars US, that gets

converted to Australian. Then if I use

that to pay a supplier in China, in that

conversion rate in me

converting it back to US dollars I'll

probably lose some money. So long term for

your business, you don't want to be

losing money in the exchange.

So how do you go about keeping it in US

dollars? Well when i first started I

found a great service called Payonner. They

give you a credit card and they accept

Amazon payments in US dollars. You can

make payments

with this US credit card however when

paying suppliers I couldn't use a credit

card so in that instance I was able to

use Paypal with that credit card

linked to it. Now the downside of this is

that you get charged approximately a

four percent fee on every transaction

going through. The other thing as well is

that not all suppliers will accept

Paypal. They often will, for smaller samples

or smaller orders but when you're looking

at larger orders they generally won't

accept Paypal. A great service that I've

now found which is great for Australian

sellers but I'm sure a lot of other

foreign sellers as well, it's called World

First. So I believe they are somehow

connected to Citibank but they've got

the ability to set you up with a US bank

account so you can get paid into that

account with US dollars and then you can

make payments to suppliers from there in

US dollars.

The other really big challenge I found

as a foreign seller was figuring out

the US tax system and the legal

requirements. Now I want to start this

out by saying that I'm not legal advisor.

I can't give you business advice

this is just what I found in my own

experience. So firstly as a foreign

seller do you need to pay tax in the US?

Without going into it too much, if

you're doing FBA in the US,

yes you do need to pay sales tax in those

states. Any state where your inventory is

being held. So it's not just the address

or the state that you're sending your

inventory to, because Amazon will often

distribute your inventory to many

different warehouses so that it can

access their customers quicker. So you

might have to pay in a number of states.

Now how do you find out which states you

need to pay sales tax in? Well i found

that TaxJar is very good for that.

So basically TaxJar will tell you all

the different states that you're selling

in. Now how do you go about registering in all

those states? Basically you need an

accountant in the US. I actually found that

on Seller Central they list a number of

accountants that help people with Amazon

businesses. Contact all of them. I believe

most of them should be able to help

foreign entities,

foreign sellers to register for

sales tax in the relevant states in the

US. Then of course that same accountant can

help you figure out any other relevant

forms or help you to do an actual tax return

in the US.

Ok so the second part of George's

question Also how to save money shipping

wise if products are sent to Australia

before it goes to FBA? Mate, 紫鸟浏览器 多店铺 I haven't found

a way. Most Australian sellers I've spoken

too, just send direct from China

to the US. It's just too expensive

to send it to Australia first and then to

send to the US.

It does make it harder. You do have the

option of getting different services in

China to inspect your products before it

leaves there so that it gives you some

peace of mind about that product. The

best thing to do is to get some samples

sent out to you.

Unfortunately then, you do need to kind

of hope that the quality of your

big shipment matches the quality of the


Perhaps you could get a couple of

samples for each shipment that get sent into

the US to give you some further peace

of mind. As a long-term business play,

you want to build a good relationship

with your supplier so the more you can

do that, you can get to a point where you

can trust them that they are indeed

sending the best quality.

I don't know if any other of these

sellers or foreign sellers have any

other experiences or found a cheaper way

to send to Australia and then onto the

US. If you have, make sure you put it in

the comments below to help us other Aussie

sellers and any other foreign

sellers. So those are all the questions

for this week. I wanted to try and keep it

a little bit shorter but again if you

want your question to be answered on the


make sure you put it in the comments

below. Give us a thumbs up if you liked

today's episode. We'll see you next week!


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